As our name implies, AED works with a network of “associated” renewable energy professionals, including Site Originators, EPC Contractors and other Solar Installers, and Financing groups to develop projects. We sit at the intersection of Sites, Financing and ‘Can-Do’ installation labor to create successful Commercial, Industrial and Utility Scale Renewable Energy projects.
Site Origination: We work with many independent site originators and residential solar companies to develop commercial sites, where the sales process is more complex. Your local contacts and the ability to contact and visit prospective sites, combined with our expertise to evaluate and develop these sites into renewable energy product solutions creates a powerful synergy. AED Origination Partners may make use of, and offer for resale, our studies, modeling tools and experience, sample contracts, and many other tools and benefits. They may even be able to create ownership equity positions for themselves in owned projects that they bring to the table. For more information about becoming an AED Site Origination Partner, click here.
Installation Contracting: AED also works with EPC Contractors and Solar Installers across the USA. We often buy and sell projects with other solar developers. We invite installers, contractors and developers to register with us and introduce themselves using this email.
Financing: We also maintain strong relationships with Financing Institutions, Family Offices and High Net-Worth Individuals who wish to invest in green energy and ESG projects. Today’s solar and wind projects can offer many tax advantages to those who wish to greatly reduce their tax obligations by investing in green energy projects. To contact our Finance Desk, click here.
Our Network
The AED network currently consists of more than 45 professionals spanning North America and around the globe. If you have a project you would like to discuss, please let us know and we will put you in touch with a local Associate. Or, if you are interested in becoming an Associate yourself and taking advantage of our depth and expertise, please see the ‘Join Us’ link and call our office today.