AED can provide both ‘develop-for-hire’ or ‘develop-to-own’ services for the property owner.
Develop-for-hire services allow the property owner to contract with our company in order to design, permit and develop a project for them. They finance the project and own it, and they get the benefits of energy sales.
Develop-to-own projects are those in which we not only design and build the project, but also provide the financing and own the equipment over the long term. We set up operating companies to run these projects and we pay the land or building owner a rental fee for the space used by the system.
We also work with development Associates to identify sites. These Associates can then retain part of the operating company over the long term.
Some of the development services we provide includes:
- Permitting
- Engineering Management
- Construction Management
- Electrical Interconnections
- State and Government Agencies
- Financing